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Katy Hawkins:
Artist + Researcher + Organiser

by Chanphiphat Janthra-0570.jpg

Trees and Türme is a selection of site-responsive projects by Katy Hawkins, produced and delivered in collaboration with artists, communities & commissioners.

My community-based creative practice as artist, project maker and researcher is focused on exploring our two-way relationship with trees.

What this currently involves:

I work as the lead Community Worker on the Urban Forest Accelerator Programme in Birmingham, through Birmingham Tree People. This role involves developing ways of involving communities in all stages of treee establishment, deciding what gets planted where and how, as well as being involved in developing aftercare strategies. Acknowledging and inviting in the diverse way we appreciate, know and care for trees, activity and has spanned mental health, arts, story telling, and emotional/spiritual connections to trees. 

I lead a collaborative tree connecting walk/shop programme in South Birmingham. Self-established, the programme has run for two years now, seeing collaborations with poets and artists along the way.

I illustrate and write, with a current focus on telling the story of my personal relatioship with trees.

What I am exploring:

I am excited by the power or embodied practice (e.g. ecosomatics) and collective human-tree rituals as a means of regaining and strengthening a felt sense of this symbiotic relationship that spans the sensuous, cultural and biological. 

Currently undergoing Level 2 Arboriculture Qualification and run regular tree connecting walkshops in the West Midlands. 


Background in Visual Cultures (Goldsmiths) and Interdisciplinary Urban Design (UCL).

Recent clients and funders include ERCO, Friends of Cotteridge Park, Arts Council of England, Haringey Council, A-N Network, Historic England, 2NQ, Nene Park Trust, Peterborough Presents, Southwark Council. 

CV available here.

Türme: Towers and Rooks 

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