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Designing (civic spaces) in and for Friendship

Research residency at Artcore Gallery, Derby, exploring: What it would look like to design (civic spaces) in and for friendship.
The residency, taking leave from a grounded regeneration process underway in the square on which the gallery sits, to be renamed 'Friendship Square', provocatively explored what it would look like to design a space for friendship (with others and with ones self) and also how might the designers and planners work in friendship with, in terms of the design process.
A virtual research group was estbalished, comprised of local interested and expert parties, to share research and invite members to fold in along the way, seeing the resultant work very much co-authored. 
An exhibition was hosted at Artcore Gallery, situated in the square, to share research - presented in the form of diagram, installation, object and performance.
Following a booklet was produced to share the learning.
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